WBS Report Template This WBS report template enables you to produce a detailed and thorough WBS report as part of the monitoring and management process for your project. The work breakdown structure document is a critical document for your project and as such you will need to provide regular reports and communications to your project… [Read more]
Author: Toolkits
Work Breakdown Structure Dictionary Template This WBS Dictionary template enables you to identify the complete project requirements and their details for each work package. It is an important document because it enables those who are responsible for producing a work package to understand the exact scope of this work. This WBS Dictionary template enables you… [Read more]
Project Testing Report Template The testing report template is an essential document for any project manager and plays a key role in how stakeholder and user expectations are managed. Its creation is one of the key activities that monitors’ the final stages of any project. The regular ‘testing report’ that is produced throughout its life… [Read more]
Stakeholder Register Template This template records the output of identifying your project stakeholders and collates all the information required to understand the needs and expectations of each stakeholder enabling you to define the most appropriate way to manage this relationship. This process involves assigning a category to each stakeholder that helps you classify the level… [Read more]
Stakeholder Management Plan Template This stakeholder management plan template will enable you to identify and categorize your stakeholders in terms of their ‘interest’. The level of interest for each stakeholder is defined by assessing three key facets as they relate to that individual and the project. A stakeholder of a project can come in many… [Read more]