Project Issues Log Template This template is designed to help you to identify and record issues that are impacting on the project. It also details who is responsible for implementing the agreed resolution. By proactively managing issues that arise throughout the life of a project prolonged delays can be avoided, conflicts can be diffused before… [Read more]
Author: Toolkits
Project Issues Log Template This template is designed to help you to identify and record issues that are impacting on the project. It also details who is responsible for implementing the agreed resolution. By proactively managing issues that arise throughout the life of a project prolonged delays can be avoided, conflicts can be diffused before… [Read more]
Impact Analysis Template This template is designed to enable you to keep a log of the issues that a project faces and to record the likely impact that each issue could have on the overall success of the project. Not all fields of this template are relevant for every project, as project manager you will… [Read more]
Human Resources Management Plan Template This template enables you to develop a human resources (HR) management plan for a project. This is a complex area and often has conflicting needs within it. This plan outlines the individual team roles and responsibilities for the project as defined by the project manager. It describes how the personnel… [Read more]
Project Cost Report Template This project cost report template enables you to monitor and control the costings of your project. It has been designed so that the necessary and essential data is quickly visible to anyone receiving a copy of this report. An essential area that any project manger must maintain a tight control on… [Read more]