Performance planning is a great way to give a sense of direction to the employees and create a space for them to grow in their career. In this guide, we will discuss what is performance planning and the process. Some useful templates are also provided. You can edit these online; simply click on the template to… [Read more]
Author: Toolkits
Planning on turning your vision into reality? And what’s your best way to avoid challenges and problems during this journey? A solid action plan. We have outlined 6 steps explaining how to write an action plan. Once you familiarize yourself with them, go ahead and use the editable templates below to start planning right away…. [Read more]

If you’ve never practiced active listening before, it can be a bit confusing to try out yourself. Below, we’ll walk you through an example dialogue between two people, one of whom is supporting their coworker by actively listening. Before we dive into an example, here are some key dialogue elements to use when you’re listening… [Read more]

Active listening is a soft skill that takes time to develop. Try these five active listening techniques to practice this skill. Below, we’ll also dive into a few examples to help you continue building this muscle. 1. Avoid interrupting Sometimes, when a conversation is flowing, you want to jump in and add your own ideas,… [Read more]

The four types of listening Ready to become a better listener? Here’s how. There are four different types of listening: Empathic listening, which is when you listen to understand. Think of listening when someone shares a personal story. In this type of listening, you’re focused on the other person, instead of yourself. Appreciative listening, which… [Read more]