Critical Thinking Toolkits



Critical thinking is the ability to think in an organized and logical manner in order to understand the connections between ideas and/or events. It helps you decide what to believe. In other words, it is “thinking about thinking” — identifying, analyzing, and then correcting our flaws the way we think.

Even if you want to be a better critical thinker, it’s hard to improve on something you can’t pinpoint. Critical thinking is the analysis of a problem or situation and the facts, data, or evidence associated with it. Ideally, critical thinking should be done objectively – that is, unaffected by personal emotions, opinions or biases – and it should focus solely on factual information.

The Critical Thinking Toolkit provides the essential knowledge and methods for clear analytical, logical, and critical thinking in a variety of academic contexts and everyday situations.

Template Toolkits Name

Tool-CRT-01_6 Thinking Hats.doc
Tool-CRT-02_Worksheet For 6 Thinking Hats.doc
Tool-CRT-03_The Four-Step Innovation Process.doc
Tool-CRT-04_The Charette Procedure.doc
Tool-CRT-05_Crawford’s Slip Writing Method.doc
Tool-CRT-06_SCAMPER Technique.doc
Tool-CRT-07_Doblin’s 10 Types of Innovation.doc
Tool-CRT-08_Mind Mapping Technique.doc
Tool-CRT-10_6-3-5 Brainwriting.doc

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10 Files

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