IT Budget Management Toolkits



Most business owners who feel confused in deciding the appropriate level of investment for IT systems. To support the IT Manager may determine true for investments necessary to the business needs of the business.
We offer these tools to help planning the annual budget in the IT field with ease and efficiency (CAPEX) based formula recoverable investment – ROI, then there watching budget policy to maintain operations and contingency budgets to ensure continuous business operations (OPEX) and make a savings plans, cut IT costs annually.

Template Toolkits Name

Part-1. IT Cost And Benefits Analysis
ITD_BG01.Template_ROI Calculator for IT Project.xls
ITD_BG02.Form_IT Cost and Business Revenue Comparision.xls
ITD_BG03.Form_New User License Calculator.xls
ITD_BG04.Form_ROI Calculator for Hardware Purchases.xls
ITD_BG05.Form_Cost-Benefit Analysis Tool.xls
ITD_BG06.Form_Green Data Center Calculator.xls
ITD_BG07.Form_Paper Reduction Calculator.xls
ITD_BG08.Form_Storage Savings Calculator.xls
ITD_BG09.Guidance_ROI Guide for Document Management.doc
ITD_BG10.Template_Workstation & Peripherals Cost Reduction Assessment.xls
ITD_BG11.Rules_Personal Computer Budget Rule.xls
ITD_BG12.Form_TCO Cost Savings Comparison.xls
ITD_BG13.Guidance_Seven Steps to Winning Budget Approval.doc
ITD_BG14.Form_Billing Calculator.xls

Part-2. Opex Budget Planning
ITD_BG01.Form_IT Operating Budget.xls
ITD_BG02.Form_IT Cost Saving Plan.xls
ITD_BG03.Form_Software License Budget Plan.xls

Part-3. Capex Budget Planning
ITD_BG01.Form_ IT Capital Budget.xls
ITD_BG02.Form_Capital Budget Using Plan.xls
ITD_BG03.Form_Capital Expenditure Request.xls
ITD_BG04.Form_Hardware Capitalization.xls

Part-4. IT Budget Monitoring
ITD_BG01.IT Budget Monitoring.xls