IT Supplier Management Toolkits



To manage the IT systems in enterprise in the good condition, the suppliers of products and services for IT systems is play a very important role to ensure the quality of products and services. Therefore, IT procurement that requires the process of how to meet the criteria set out and satisfy the need to equip the business. it is not easy, requiring comparison method constant, risk assessment, quality control of service provider, and finally decided to rent or buy.
The tools in this section will assist IT managers all the criteria in making purchasing decisions of hardware, software, services, procurement easily and professionally.

Template Toolkits Name

Part-1. IT Purchasing Preparation
ITD_SR01.Form_IT Investment Survey.xls
ITD_SR02.Procedure_IT Equipment Purchases.doc
ITD_SR03.Checklist_Project and Vendor Request for Information.xls

Part-2. Quotation Comparison Chart
ITD_SR01.Comparison Chart to Buy Hardware.xls
ITD_SR02.Score_Procedure for Purchase of IT.doc

Part-3. Vendor Evaluation and Selection
ITD_SR01.Comparison Chart to Choose IT Supplier.xls
ITD_SR02.Form_Software Evaluation Criteria.xls
ITD_SR03.Form_Vendor Evaluation.xls
ITD_SR04.Form_IT Consultant Evaluation Matrix.doc
ITD_SR05.Form_Vendor Infrastructure Maturity Assesment.xls
ITD_SR06.Issues Management of Supplier.doc
ITD_SR07.Reference checking for vendor.xls
ITD_SR08.Vendor Selection Site Visit Checklist and Questionnaire.doc
ITD_SR09.Checklist_Third-party IT Services Assessment.doc

Part-4. Negotiation And Contract Management
ITD_SR01.Checklist_Lease Contract Negotiation.doc
ITD_SR02.Form_Supplier Contract Management.xls
ITD_SR03.Form_Software License Supplier Management.xls
ITD_SR04.Form_Supplier Payment Monitoring.xls
ITD_SR05.Form_Vendor Support Contacts.xls

Part-5. IT Purchasing Policies
ITD_SR01.Ethics Policy.doc
ITD_SR02.Software and Hardware Investment Policy.doc
ITD_SR03.Third-Party Risks Identification Policy.doc
ITD_SR04.Vendor Relationship Policy.doc
ITD_SR05.IT Purchasing Policy.doc

Part-6. ERP Software Selection Toolkits
ITD_SR01.Initial Software Needs Assessment.xls
ITD_SR02.Software Selection Project Timing Chart & Checklist.xls
ITD_SR03.Software Selection ROI Worksheet.xls
ITD_SR04.ERP Software Concurrent User Estimator.xls
ITD_SR05.Software Selection Budget Worksheet.xls
ITD_SR06.Request for Information – Vendor Information.xls
ITD_SR07.RFP for ERP System Acquisition and Implementation.doc
ITD_SR08.RFP Vendors Evaluation.xls
ITD_SR09.ERP Software Requirements Template.xls
ITD_SR10.ERP Vendor Comparison Chart.xls
ITD_SR11.Onsite Software Demonstration Script – Data Template.xls
ITD_SR12.Onsite Software Demonstration Script – Evaluator Copy.xls
ITD_SR13.Onsite Software Demonstration Script – Vendor Comparison.xls
ITD_SR14.Vendor Functionality Score Summary.xls