Emotional Intelligence Toolkits



As you develop a greater awareness and understanding of your own emotions, it becomes easier for you to appreciate the feelings of others, improve the way you communicate, and help your personal and professional relationships. you grow. And as you bring stress back into balance and learn to tolerate even unpleasant emotions, you’ll discover that your ability to experience positive emotions has grown and enhanced.

You will find it easier to play, laugh and experience joy. No matter how stressed or out of control you feel right now, by using these tools, life can and will become lighter and brighter.

The Emotional Intelligence Toolkit offers step-by-step instructions that can help you: Change your mood and attitude. Quickly manage stress and anxiety. Stay connected with your feelings as well as your thoughts.

Template Toolkits Name

Tool-EMI-01_Emotional Intelligence Asseessment.doc
Tool-EMI-02_Four Areas of Emotional Intelligence.doc
Tool-EMI-03_Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire.doc
Tool-EMI-04_Emotional Intelligence Activities.doc
Tool-EMI-05_Relationship Management Activity.doc
Tool-EMI-06_Self-Management Activity.doc
Tool-EMI-07_Self-Awareness Activity.doc
Tool-EMI-08_Social Awareness Activity.doc
Tool-EMI-09_Emotional Intelligence Self-Assessment.doc
Tool-EMI-10_Emotional Intelligence Self-Assessment Qustionaires.doc
Tool-EMI-11_Assessing EQ Development Template.doc
Tool-EMI-12_Emotional Intelligence Goleman Model.doc
Tool-EMI-13_Emotional Intelligence Managing.doc

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13 Files

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